Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Enigma That Is India

A place where people are rich enough to eat gold and silver(the foil on sweets for all u slow people :) ) yet is one of the poorest countries in the world.
A place where politicians get elected making grand speeches about prevailing corruption and how they will end it - and yet - promise people in the next election everything under the scorching sun if they elect them.
A place which has been brought to its knees by innumerable invasions - and yet - has not learned the merits of being ruthless when necessary.
This place,obviously, is India.

All of us who follow the news would be enraged by the government which arrested assem trivedi, the cartoonist.Just read, to erase all doubts that this man got out way too early.

Ameer Ajmal Kasab,the only person caught in the cold,clinical and merciless invasion which killed over 100 people,recently resurfaced to the top of the top stories sea and started deliberations over whether he should be executed or not.What is especially enraging is that people exist,who prattle about human rights and other meaningless stuff.Kill him,be done with it,and stop slinging good money after bad.

Corruption - everyone has an opinion about it.People's champions like anna hazare and baba ramdev arise,people come close to worshiping them,then inevitably,they are disgraced,as seen when baba ramdev had a court case for fraud slapped on him.He blamed the government,then we started blaming him.The media disgraced him,we started doubting him.His supporters accused the media of being controlled by the government,we sighed and resigned ourselves to the fact that, the revolution was finally dead.

I estimate that,for at most one week,Aseem Trivedi's name will remain on TV screens,then will be replaced with other "sensational" stories.

All Indians want India to be right up at the top with America.Literally everyone (yes why not me too?) has an opinion on whether or not this is possible,and if so,how it can be done.

the answer in my opinion is a very simple one,whose execution rests in the hands of us,the youth of India.
If we are lucky enough to go abroad for our studies,please return- please return so that future generations will have as good a time as we did,but not in a foreign land,but in their own motherland.