Monday, 12 November 2012

Diwali.The Darker Side

The prodigal son(rama) returned home after thirteen years of exile.Exuberant common folk,to show their happiness,lit lamps in each of their homes.Thus diwali was born.

In our typical Indian fashion,we made it what it is today.

             Pomp and splendor best sum up this,"The Festival Of Lights".The one festival,in my opinion,which every Indian celebrates and enjoys,regardless of any secular or social differences.

"The Festival Of Lights".What an apt name!

    How sublimely enjoyable is the sky to behold!
          All lit up,a panorama of pyrotechnic wonders,an Olympic opening ceremony,almost,in every direction,as far as the eye can see.

    How delightful are the expressions on tiny tots faces!An expression of fear,excitement and sheer happiness,their faces light up even as the fireworks do.

    How awesome are the wild and crazy antics of teenagers(guys especially)!!!.doing things forbidden,wild and bordering on insanity,which nevertheless give an adrenaline rush like nothing else(On a personal note,I spent many of my Diwali's dropping lit chilli bombs down the opening of an exposed pipe on the terrace.As to what that pipe transported,I decline to tell you!!)

Let me now move over to the other,oft ignored aspects of Diwali.                                  .

 People who suffer asthmatic ailments find it very hard to properly enjoy this day.

 Municipal workers,who work hard enough as it is,face more work the day following Diwali than on a typical workweek for them.

We're literally burning money today.Not our money,of course,but still,the fact remains.

Last year,and the year before that,the night sky was cloaked in a perpetual fog,which was the smoke from our crackers.

All these problems,though huge,pale in comparison to the most horrendous,inhumane and shocking problem with Diwali.Which indeed,is the very reason for this post.

I spoke of the the bliss experienced by little kids. The reason for their joy are the fireworks aren't they?

Let me pose a question.

                        WHO MAKES THOSE CRACKERS???
Isn't the workforce responsible composed largely of kids who belong in primary schools??.

Even in a controlled environment with extreme precautionary measures,accidents happen.This environment,I think can safely be said,is poles apart from the one at S*****I(figure it out).

The kids working there handle saltpeter(an ingredient of gunpowder),SOLID SODIUM,potassium permanganate  on a regular basis without safety equipment of any sort.(whoever thinks i'm spouting rubbish,Google it)

I'm a betting man.Yet I would't wager ONE single rupee that a child unfortunate enough to face this horror will escape,unscathed in body and unbroken in spirit,able to start a normal life(I didn't include pictures because they were too horrifying)

Is there something about these little children which makes them less human?
Don't they deserve the same happiness children on the other side of the spectrum enjoy today?
Don't they,both as Indians and Humans have the right to DEMAND a normal,if not better lifestyle?/

And isn't it our MORAL,ETHICAL and FUNDAMENTAL DUTY to give it to them?

If anyone is thinking,"it's a form of population control",I pity you.No sense in you reading further and wasting your time.

There are some people who,fully cognizant of the facts,buy fireworks worth 500\- instead of 1000\- and feel they've made a huge sacrifice,and are really noble.Well,you're NOT!

let me address another class of people.The ones whose only association with an NGO is through facebook.Do you feel you're helping out by just singning on,maybe liking a few posts, and commenting????

IF the answer's yes,you're DELUDED.

if even one person's still reading,genuinely wanting to help these poor souls out,there is a way.

It involves Huge sacrifice,yet the rewards are equally herculean.

consider it a heartfelt plea,consider it a request,consider it BEGGING if it makes you grant it.


yes,the sacrifice is huge,but the impact's huge too.

If even one person refrains from buying crackers,all these words have not been in vain.

Though it might seem paradoxical and redundant,



Friday, 9 November 2012

Advertisements : My take on them



Recognize this?well if you don't its MOTOROLA,the company that invented the cell phone.What possible reason would you have for not recognizing a company that literally changed the world?This question and the one under the following question have a common answer

Check 'em out.Recognize them?Why???

Now,just for a minute,look in a clockwise direction from the top right corner.If someone from the 20th or 19th century saw them,they'd just be a bull in a poorly drawn triangle,an apple with a bite taken out of it,and a BUNNY WEARING A BOW - TIE! But for us, They represent in exactly that order:
1)The very symbol of cheap fast food
2)Opulence,decadence,luxury and in a word,CLASS!(I Adore Lamborghini!!!)
3)Playboy - Need I say more?!
4)Slick,cutting edge,(forgive my french),sexy!and purely AWESOME(love apple too,obviously!)

Why is there such a difference?why,instead of scoffing at thier ridiculousness,do we form images of things we covet??Wait for it(though you obviously figured it out)



They're everywhere.Open any website,and loads of them pop up.Turn on the T.V,and there they are! We berate their existence,and yet ironically, Google/YouTube them when we hear about something cool.Like this one

And these...

Let's not forget the serious one's:

Says "don't cut the rain forest" waaay in the bottom.

On one side, there's ads which try brainwashing us into buying something, and on the other, we have just two examples here out of countless ones,which aim at improving our daily lives,or say something for a good cause.

The Google substitute of the 20th century...

Even though we have Google, and not the one above, advertisements still influence our decisions on what to buy. For example,the iPhone 4s was released on Oct.14 last year.

If interested, you can go through the following sites: 1,2

Specifically,check the comments section in #2. Not at all entering the question of whether you can get as good as,if not a better phone,from another manufacturer,let's examine whether a need exists to upgrade.

well, clearly,the guys owning an iPhone are loaded,but a new phone after a year.Based on what?
 - An 1/2 inch bigger screen
    26 grams lighter
    1.7 mm thinner
    An improved i OS which is still pretty glitchy

Are these few features worth  INR10,000 bucks?(hell yes,it's an iPhone and it's new.but i didn't say didn't hear me)

leaving that apart, why did the iPhone craze start?Because of it's association with awesome.
Why did that start?
'coz of advertisements.

The actual cost of manufacturing a 16 GB iPhone 5 is $207.It's actual cosst?.$649.
apple's profit percentage??? : 31%.

This took 0.26 seconds via a google search. definitely, almost everyone owning an iPhone is fully aware of this fact.A 2% hike/drop in government fares/something we own, causes a huge outcry among the populace.

Yet, a 31% hike for a phone with very few improved features which is released eleven months after its predecessor has people clamoring to buy it.All because of the brand image firmly sequestered into their minds that owning one is cool.

Yes, ads do serve a very useful purpose.And it goes without saying that the con's outweigh the pro's

fine,pushing it.but i couldn't resist!

And,also it's pretty obvious that they'll exist as long as humanity does.

The solution? Think for yourself.don't just trust the ad, Google,consult people who used what you want to buy,and make an informed decision.

to sum up, lemme leave you with two simple taglines

"Don't let the Ad control your mind"

"Think outside the AD" 

Happy Shopping!


Saturday, 20 October 2012

Entertaining yourself @ 5:00 Am

It's 5:50.I turned yesterday at around eleven(early i know but i was celebrating.dusshera hols from today!).
somehow,i found myself awake with no sleepiness at around 4:30.Obviously,after staring at the clock to make sure of the time,i grew bored.
I didn't feel like vegging out-either on the net or on the t.v.So what else could i do,apart from falling asleep again?

I went out for a walk.At 4:50'ish.
there's a saying"Half the world does'nt know how the other three-quarters lives"
Today,it became apparent that the saying was completely true.hills,mountains and all that shit isn't needed to appreciate nature.Just taking a walk(only if you're not feeling pissed off at life)is more than enough.

I walked for 10 minutes in the mini tank bund near my house,then i just walked around,The exceptionally clement climate today,the completely still roads,and the stray dogs gamboling(really!) put me,a staunch pessimist, in exceptionally high spirints.I was walking and singing/wailing "chala jata hoon", the fast five track by danza kuduro(highly recommended!) ignoring"is he from yerragadda?" looks from strangers,I'd like to suggest this to everyone,especially creative guys n' gals.There's nothing more inspiring.

I'd like to close with a quote,my own humble one"The best way to just be with yourself is at 5:00 am in the morning,walking just because you want to.This is also the best way to really calm yourself"
Please guys,try it.If you haven't,just do it for the new experience.You won't regret it. This I promise.

Terrorism : Why I Think It Persists ,And Why It'll Never Die

Lumbini park,Mecca Masjid,The Taj hotel.Sound familiar?Of course.What do they all have in common?Pat comes the answer"They're all famous tourist spots."There's also another reason.

They're all sites which witnessed that most ancient,unholy,disgusting and perverted of all human acts:arguably one of humanity's oldest acts: TERRRORISM.

Leaving out the obvious points of shitty security and all that jazz which enabled the terrorist to do  their job,let's look at another,oft ignored question.

WHY did they do it?maybe because they were commanded.
but WHY did they chose to be terrorists?

Just take a look at this 

This is something we all start of as

Do you really think that will become a full fledged human weapon,mercilessly killing anyone under the sun?(this was a rhetorical question!don't answer).

The terrorist who murders without knowing why is just a tool in a really sick,twisted and sociopathic animal,just as his gun is a tool for him.But when,does this(click to see) become the cause of this(not for sensitive people)?

how does he get such a warped view of life that he is willing to kill a living,breathing human being?

typically,people become terrorists because they might be the victims of dreadful attacks.This is one of the most tragic paradoxes.they wish to inflict their suffering onto as many as they can.

Terrorism is defined as "Acts of violence designed to achieve a political goal."

did this guy know what the ultimate objective of his leader was?I doubt it.

Looking at the definition,2 questions immediately flashes to my mind.


wasn't it through glorified murdering on a large scale?
isn't america a country,which,according to the definition,a country born out of terrorism?can we say that terrorism,though hiding under several cloaks,is still rampant?

I say yes.though the following statement might seem downright cynical and warped,I still say it

"A terrorist lurks inside each and every one of us."

The question remains: will terrorism ever stop?well,when entire governments themselves not only condone it,but also practice it,albeit under lofty labels,how the hell will a person,possibly devastated by the sudden deaths of his loved ones,shortly listening to the words of someone like this gain strength to stay in touch with his human side?

Just a question to ponder on.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Enigma That Is India

A place where people are rich enough to eat gold and silver(the foil on sweets for all u slow people :) ) yet is one of the poorest countries in the world.
A place where politicians get elected making grand speeches about prevailing corruption and how they will end it - and yet - promise people in the next election everything under the scorching sun if they elect them.
A place which has been brought to its knees by innumerable invasions - and yet - has not learned the merits of being ruthless when necessary.
This place,obviously, is India.

All of us who follow the news would be enraged by the government which arrested assem trivedi, the cartoonist.Just read, to erase all doubts that this man got out way too early.

Ameer Ajmal Kasab,the only person caught in the cold,clinical and merciless invasion which killed over 100 people,recently resurfaced to the top of the top stories sea and started deliberations over whether he should be executed or not.What is especially enraging is that people exist,who prattle about human rights and other meaningless stuff.Kill him,be done with it,and stop slinging good money after bad.

Corruption - everyone has an opinion about it.People's champions like anna hazare and baba ramdev arise,people come close to worshiping them,then inevitably,they are disgraced,as seen when baba ramdev had a court case for fraud slapped on him.He blamed the government,then we started blaming him.The media disgraced him,we started doubting him.His supporters accused the media of being controlled by the government,we sighed and resigned ourselves to the fact that, the revolution was finally dead.

I estimate that,for at most one week,Aseem Trivedi's name will remain on TV screens,then will be replaced with other "sensational" stories.

All Indians want India to be right up at the top with America.Literally everyone (yes why not me too?) has an opinion on whether or not this is possible,and if so,how it can be done.

the answer in my opinion is a very simple one,whose execution rests in the hands of us,the youth of India.
If we are lucky enough to go abroad for our studies,please return- please return so that future generations will have as good a time as we did,but not in a foreign land,but in their own motherland.